Marvin the Tap-Dancing Horse Wikia

Boris is a friendly Russian circus bear looking for work at Fast-Talking Jack's Carnival.  He specializes in peeling peanuts, telling stories about Russia and giving people big hugs. His act includes opera singing.  He appeared in "Truth or Bear" where he traveled from his land of Mother Russia to perform in Fast Talking Jack's circus. He doesn't know what his talent is but Jack does like his spunk. At first he tries to copy everyone else's act but Eddy tells him he shouldn't be copying people, he should find his own talent. When they hear Boris' singing they realize that is his talent. His performance is a big hit (it even makes everyone cry) and afterwards is approached by talent scouts who want him to tour around the world. While hesitant at first, he does so after his friends encourage him to go as this is a once in a lifetime opportunity.


He will appear in future episodes, creations and productions. Boris is a friendly Russian bear who wants to find his true talent.

